I've released a new version of a Python package to pypi without changing the C extension. Since I have only changed the Python code, not the C code, how do I package the shared libraries I have compiled for several platforms without having to recompile?
As an example for a library called 'somelib' with compiled libraries in two subdirectories, lib-i386 and lib-amd64:
MANIFEST.in contains the following:
include __init__.py
include setup.py
include somelib/*
include somelib/lib-i386/*
include somelib/lib-amd64/*
setup.py contains (I've omitted lines unessential to the versioning issue):
# Determine machine arhitecture
arch = os.uname()[4]
libname = "lib-%s" % (arch,)
lib_files = glob.glob('./somelib/' + libname + '/*')
data_files = [('somelib',
lib_files + ['__init__.py', 'somelib/README.TXT']),]
All the library objects are inside the package, but only the ones specific to 'arch' are installed.