C++ count algorithm called by Rcpp which can count the occurrences of a particular element in a vector. The template should be used. My attempt:
countRcpp <-'
using namespace std;
int val = as<int>(y);
NumericVector xx(x);
NumericVector::iterator iter;
int m = 0;
for(iter = xx.begin(); iter < xx.end(); iter++){
if(*iter == val) ++m;}
countf <- cxxfunction(signature(x = "numeric", y = "numeric"),
body = countRcpp,
plugin = "Rcpp")
set.seed (1005) # set seed for sampling
x <- sample(1:5L, size = 10, replace = T) #L is Long integer. Keep the nunmber as integer.
x # [1] 1 3 1 3 3 4 1 3 1 2
y <- 3L
incl <- '
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
template <typename S_Type, typename T>
typename iterator_traits<S_Type>::difference_type
S_Type countR(S_Type first, S_Type last, const T & val){
typename iterator_traits<S_Type>::difference_type ret=0;
while (first !=last){
if(*first == val) ++ret;
return ret;
body_count <- '
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
NumericVector xx(x);
int n = xx.size();
NumericVector yy = xx + n;
int val = as<int>(y);
int pos = countR(xx, yy, val);
return wrap(pos);
countRcpp3 <- cxxfunction(signature(x = "numeric", y = "numeric"),
body = body_count,
includes = incl,
plugin = "Rcpp")
Could you please give me any suggestions? Or would you recommend other logical on this task? Thanks in advance.
As a first step you can extract a function with signature
int foo(Rcpp::IntegerVector x, int val)
from your working code. You can then generalize this to act on any iterable type. Signature:
template <typename T>
int foo(T x, typename std::iterator_traits<typename T::iterator>::value_type val)
One cannot call this from R, though. If the function in R should act on different types, it has to take SEXP
as argument. TYPEOF()
can then be used to determine the R data type. Putting this together for integer vectors:
#include <Rcpp.h>
template <typename T>
int iter_count(T x, typename std::iterator_traits<typename T::iterator>::value_type val) {
int m = 0;
for(typename T::iterator iter = x.begin(); iter < x.end(); ++iter) {
if(*iter == val) ++m;
return m;
// [[Rcpp::export]]
int count(SEXP x, SEXP val) {
switch( TYPEOF(x) ) {
case INTSXP: {
return iter_count(Rcpp::as<Rcpp::IntegerVector>(x),
default: {
Rcpp::stop("incompatible SEXP encountered");
/*** R
set.seed (1005)
x <- sample(1:5L, size = 10, replace = T)
y <- 3L
I am using Rcpp attributes here: Save this as a .cpp
file and use Rcpp::sourceCpp("...")
on it.
BTW, in your code this looks fishy:
NumericVector xx(x);
int n = xx.size();
NumericVector yy = xx + n;
Do you want the end-point of xx
? Then use xx.end()
or end(xx)
, which is not a NumericVector
. Your code creates a new NumericVector
where the content of xx
has been incremented by the size of xx
. Here the equivalent code using Rcpp attributes:
Rcpp::cppFunction('NumericVector foo(NumericVector xx) {
int n = xx.size();
NumericVector yy = xx + n;
return yy;
# [1] 3.914806 3.937075 3.286140