I am trying to use TCPCatcher to capture & decrypt my gmail SSL traffic and it's not working for me.
In Tunnel SSL mode nothing is being captured and the page renders fine. The Firefox add-on seems to set the regular http proxy only.
Below are my TCPCatcher & Firefox settings. In the Monitor SSL mode I either get a "The connection was reset" or a "The proxy server is refusing connections" error. I managed to get it to work in Transparent Proxy mode where I modify the hosts file. I am trying to get the non transparent mode to work. I never get the untrusted cert page as mentioned in this tutorial.
Is there a setting not set properly?
(Note: if you know of other free sniffers which decrypt SSL traffic I can take a look at them. Other than Fiddler. I don't think WireShark decrypts SSL. )
Works like a charm for me:
In TcpCatcher Settings: Choose the default Monitor SSL mode : "runtime certificates" (certificates are then generated on the fly)
In your Firefox connection settings :
choose Manual proxy settings ; http
proxy : localhost and port :8201 (must
match TcpCatcher's main port).
Check "Use this proxy server for all
protocols". (I use TcpCatcher Firefox
plugin, that actually what is does
for you)
In Firefox import TcpCatcher Root
Certificate in order to get rid of
warnings telling you that
certificates are not trusted:
Encryption | View Certificates |
Authorities |Import
The TcpCatcher option you checked ("static certificate") is actually meant to use TcpCatcher like a transparent proxy , which means you are not supposed to set any proxy at Firefox level but a dns trick. More explanations in this tutorial.