We are having huge troubles with subscriptions with arguments
to simplify the problem Here are the steps to reproduce
create a simpleSchema
type Mutation {
testSubMutation(param: String!): String
type Query {
testQuery: String
type Subscription {
testSubs(param: String): String
@aws_subscribe(mutations: ["testSubMutation"])
I attached a local resolver to the mutation which returns the timestamp.
in one window open the app sync query tab and make the subscription
subscription sub{
in the other window make a mutation
mutation mut{
works like a charm
now change the subscription to listen to a parameter
subscription sub{
Does not work any more. :(
Any help is appreciated.
Subscriptions require the parameter you're filtering on to be in the response of the mutation. Could you try updating your mutation to this?
mutation mut{
testSubMutation(param:"123") {