I am trying to order data from 2 tables to display in one list also based on the id's from a third table.
Table 3 contains ID's to the other 2 tables.
e_allocation table
eid, sid, iid
5, 1234, NULL
5, NULL, 1234
table 1 and 2 are tables of similar data.
i_status table
iid, status
1234, Complete
1235, Complete
1236, Not Complete
s_status table
sid, status
1234, Complete
1235, Not Complete
1237, Not Complete
objCon.Execute ("SELECT a.sid, a.iid, b.status AS istats, c.status AS sstats
FROM e_allocation a LEFT JOIN i_status b ON a.iid=b.iid LEFT JOIN s_status c
ON a.sid=c.sid WHERE a.eid = '5' ORDER BY b.status Desc, c.status Desc")
So Currently I can get the data from the database but it obviously orders table b first and then c second. I need these ordered as joined.
Currently returning (Table=I or S, Record ID=1234, Status = Complete or Not Complete)
I:1236:Not complete
S:1235:Not Complete
S:1237:Not Complete
I'm trying to get:
S:1235:Not Complete
I:1236:Not complete
S:1237:Not Complete
while not objDb.EOF
sid = objDb("id")
iid = objDb("iid")
if sid <>"" then datlst = datlst &"S:"& sid &":"&objDb("sstats")&",<BR>"
if iid <>"" then datlst = datlst &"I:"& iid &":"&objDb("istats")&",<BR>"
response.write datlst
Any pointers in the right direction greatly appreciated? Thanks
Here's my attempt.
create table e_allocation (eid int, sid int, iid int);
insert into e_allocation select 5, 1234, NULL;
insert into e_allocation select 5, NULL, 1234;
insert into e_allocation select 5, 1235, NULL;
insert into e_allocation select 5, NULL, 1235;
insert into e_allocation select 5, 1236, NULL;
insert into e_allocation select 5, NULL, 1236;
create table i_status (iid int, status varchar(25));
insert into i_status select 1234, 'Complete';
insert into i_status select 1235, 'Complete';
insert into i_status select 1236, 'Not Complete';
create table s_status (sid int, status varchar(25));
insert into s_status select 1234, 'Complete';
insert into s_status select 1235, 'Not Complete';
insert into s_status select 1237, 'Not Complete';
case when a.sid is null then 'I' else 'S' end as iors,
ifnull(a.sid,a.iid) as id,
ifnull(b.status,c.status) as status
FROM e_allocation a LEFT JOIN i_status b ON a.iid=b.iid LEFT JOIN s_status c
ON a.sid=c.sid
WHERE a.eid = '5' and (b.status is not null or c.status is not null)
ORDER BY id, iors
Another time please do provide the CREATE TABLE etc. statements so we don't have to type them in.