I am trying to replicate a tutorial on my Ubuntu 18.04.
There are two lines:
module load dev/python/2.7.6
module load stats/R/3.2.1-Cairo
I am not quite sure how to load modules. I tried downloading http://modules.sourceforge.net/.
I am not sure how to do so. If I am correct I may need to download the module files myself. Does anyone know where I can do so?
Thank you so much!
If you are using Ubuntu 18.04 you could easily install environment-modules from the official Ubuntu package repository. For instance from a terminal with apt-get
apt-get install environment-modules
If you start a new terminal afterwards, you should get the module
command available from your default shell.
Modulefiles do not come along with the module
command. They are generally provided by the third-party handling the installation of the software that need to be activated though modulefile.
In your situation, I imagine you should get these modulefiles from your tutorial. Or you are expected to connect to a given system providing these modulefiles.