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WebSocket handshake authentication

I have an angular 6 app & python(django 2.0.6) back-end. Angular 6 app is deployed using AWS S3 & CloudFront.

Angular 6 app use websocket functionality. Everything works well locally, but when deployed Angular 6 app fails to pass a cookies with websocket handshake request. (Authorization is by cookies only for websoket connection. There are reasons for that, not relevant.)

Websocket server located at subdomain: ```

i tried multiple ways to set cookies in angular 6 app, such as:

let domain = ''

document.cookie = `Token=${token}; domain=${domain}; path=/`;
document.cookie = `Token=${token}; path=/`;
document.cookie = `Token=${token};
document.cookie = `Token=${token}, domain=${domain}, path=/`;

using ngx-cookie-service:

this.cookieService.set('Token', token, undefined, '/', '');
this.cookieService.set('Token', token, undefined, '/');
this.cookieService.set('Token', token);

token is a JWT token.

For all the cases above, Token cookie does not passed with the websocket handshake when the app is deployed. using wss protocol. angular 6 app runs under the domain (=> api is a subdomain )

Cloudfront behavior is set to pass all cookies.

Please advice what can be a possible reason.


  • Solution:

    In my case i wasn't able to set the cookie, but made a solution based on based on this topic: HTTP headers in Websockets client API

    There is a lot of scattered information on how to authenticate WebSocket client API with jwt token. Here is the complete solution which is valid for django 2.0.6, channels 2.1.1, angular 6 stack:

    django middleware:

    class TokenAuthMiddleware:
        def __init__(self, inner):
            self.inner = inner
        def __call__(self, scope):
            auth_header = None
            if 'subprotocols' in scope:
                    auth_header = scope['subprotocols'][1]
            if auth_header:
                    user_jwt = jwt.decode(
                    scope['user'] = MyUser.objects.get(
                except (InvalidSignatureError, KeyError, ExpiredSignatureError, DecodeError):
                    scope['auth_error'] = 'KeyError'
                except Exception as e:  # NoQA
                    scope['auth_error'] = 'Unknown'
            return self.inner(scope)
    TokenAuthMiddlewareStack = lambda inner: TokenAuthMiddleware(AuthMiddlewareStack(inner))

    ws consumer:

    class WsConsumer(JsonWebsocketConsumer):
        def connect(self):
            if self._is_authenticated():
                ***do things***
                logger.error("ws client auth error")
        def _is_authenticated(self):
            if hasattr(self.scope['headers'], 'auth_error'):
                return False
            if type(self.scope['user']) is AnonymousUser or not self.scope['user']:
                return False
            return True

    WebSocket client API (js cli):

      this.socket = new WebSocket('ws://`, ['auth_token', token]);