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dynamic css class on a span element - angular 4

I have a span element in table. I want to change the css class dynamically based on the value.

Here's my html code:

          <tr *ngFor="let data of fruits>
             <span class="badge badge-default badge-success">{{data.color}}</span>

I want to show the badge color based on data I get. For example if I get red, I want to change the badge class to badge-danger. If I get green, I want to change the class to badge-success and so on.

How do I achieve that in angular 4?



  • <span class="badge badge-default" [ngClass]="{'badge-danger': data.color === 'red', 'badge-success': data.color === 'green' }></span>

    You can use the ngClass directive in angular. The arguments are 'class-name':condition , if condition is true, then class-name is added to the element.

    read more about ngClass here: