laravel-ckeditor is not loading in browser, I followed the installation process as described here
Also when I open view source in browser and goto the link, it says Sorry, the page you are looking for could not be found.
I have already added registered it to Application Service Providers located in config/app.php
ran command:
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=ckeditor
without error
and I have initiated ckeditor by jquery selector as:
<script src="/vendor/unisharp/laravel-ckeditor/ckeditor.js"></script>
<script src="/vendor/unisharp/laravel-ckeditor/adapters/jquery.js"></script>
// $('.textarea').ckeditor(); // if class is prefered.
best suggestion use cdns link
or download put in public folder and you should include Jquery before ckeditor link
or you try this also
<script src="{{base_path().('/vendor/theseer/build.xml')}}"></script>