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Generating human readable SWIFT messages using Prowide-Core?

I'm using Prowide-Core for SWIFT message handling. At the moment I use the JSON methods to produce human readable versions of my messages if I need to dump them out. This produces output like this:

}, {
  "97A" : ":SAFE//0123-0123456-55-000"
}, {

I.e. I get alphanumeric codes, like 97A, for the field names.

However it I look at I can see that it (and all other fields) know their more human readable names (Qualifier and Account in the case of 97A).

I've tried looking for some toString() like method that makes use of this information to produce something even more readable than the JSON output but haven't found anything yet.

Is there such a method on SwiftMessage or one of the related classes? Or has someone written something nice that can traverse a message and print it out using the information returned by getComponentLabels() etc?


  • I'm one of the authors. For future reference, in the upcoming SRU2018 release (scheduled for October) we have revamped all the JSON API in all model abstraction layers.

    The toJson in SwiftMessage object still produces plain name/value tuples for the Tags. However, in the MTnnn classes, the toJson uses Field to produce JSON with business labels such as:

    {   "name": "90A",
        "qualifier": "DEAL",
        "percentageTypeCode": "PRCT",
        "price": "102,713552"
    {   "name": "36B",
        "qualifier": "ESTT",
        "quantityTypeCode": "AMOR",
        "quantity": "7999999,573"
    {   "name": "97A",
        "qualifier": "SAFE",
        "account": "0123-0123456-55formatted  

    Besides the JSON, you can iterate the fields and print formated name and values with the available getLabel and getValueDisplay methods.

    For example:

    Locale locale = Locale.getDefault();
    SwiftMessage sm = SwiftMessage.parse("{1:F01BACOARB1A0B20000000000}{2:I103ADRBNL21XXXXU2}{3:{108:FOOB3926BE868XXX}}{4:\n" +
        ":20:REFERENCE\n" +
        ":23B:CRED\n" +
        ":32A:180730USD1234567,89\n" +
        ":50A:/12345678901234567890\n" +
        "CFIMHKH1XXX\n" +
        ":59:/12345678901234567890\n" +
        "JOE DOE\n" +
        "MyStreet 1234\n" +
        ":71A:OUR\n" +
    System.out.println("Sender: " + sm.getSender());
    System.out.println("Receiver: " + sm.getReceiver() + "\n");
    for (Tag tag : sm.getBlock4().getTags()) {
        Field field = tag.asField();
        System.out.println(Field.getLabel(field.getName(), "103", null, locale));
        System.out.println(field.getValueDisplay(locale) + "\n");

    Will produce this output:

    Sender: BACOARB1A0B2 Receiver: ADRBNL21XXXX

    Sender's Reference
    Bank Operation Code
    Value Date/Currency/Interbank Settled Amount
    Jul 30, 2018 USD 1,234,567.89
    Ordering Customer
    12345678901234567890 CFIMHKH1XXX
    Beneficiary Customer
    12345678901234567890 JOE DOE MyStreet 1234
    Details of Charges

    Where components are split and formatted for the locale. And if you also need labels per component, you can further iterate the components like this:

    for (Tag tag : sm.getBlock4().getTags()) {
        Field field = tag.asField();
        System.out.println("\n" + Field.getLabel(field.getName(), "103", null, locale));
        for (int component = 1 ; component <= field.componentsSize() ; component++) {
            if (field.getComponent(component) != null) {
                System.out.print(field.getComponentLabel(component) + ": ");
                System.out.println(field.getValueDisplay(component, locale));

    Pruducing this other output:

    Sender's Reference
    Reference: REFERENCE
    Bank Operation Code
    Type: CRED
    Value Date/Currency/Interbank Settled Amount
    Date: Jul 30, 2018
    Currency: USD
    Amount: 1,234,567.89
    Ordering Customer
    Account: 12345678901234567890
    Beneficiary Customer
    Account: 12345678901234567890
    Name And Address: JOE DOE
    Name And Address 2: MyStreet 1234
    Details of Charges
    Code: OUR

    Finally, if you are interested, the Integrator library from Prowide includes out-of-the-box printout visitors to produce HTML, TXT, and XML including structured sequences and BIC expanded with the institution information. You may ask Prowide for a trial.