I have two projects, one basic client and a dynamic library. Here's what happens in the client:
int main()
Scrutinizer scru;
return 0;
In the DLL, The Scrutinizer
class is as such (__declspec(dllexport) and such omitted for Clarity)
class ProcessesGenerator;
class Scrutinizer
ProcessesGenerator *ProcGenerator
void Scrutinize();
The forward declaration of ProcessesGenerator
was 'mandatory' for me to avoid some kind of circular reference.
Constructor in .cpp file
Here is how I initialize it:
ProcGenerator = &ProcessesGenerator();
More about this ProcessesGenerator
class ProcessesGenerator
WinFinder winFinder;
std::vector<std::string> fooCollec;
void GenerateProcesses();
//winFinder = WinFinder();//problem will be the same with or without this line
fooCollec = std::vector<std::string>{"one", "two", "three"};
A breakpoint in the constructor shows that the vector is initialized with the chosen values.
Problematic function:
void ProcessesGenerator::GenerateProcesses() {
std::string foo = "bar";
fooCollec = std::vector<std::string>{};//read access violation
fooCollec.push_back(foo);//read access violation
winFinder.SomeVector= std::vector<std::string>{};//read access violation
Once there, I Can see that the size of vector is reset to 0. Any attempt to re-initialize it, or to push an element results in read access violation .Same with the vecotr member of its WinFinder
member. I guess the flaw is obvious, but I really don't get it,
Your problem is with
ProcGenerator = &ProcessesGenerator();
What you are doing is taking the address of a temporary object. That object will be destroyed and the end of that line and you will be left with a pointer that doesn't point to a valid object.
The old way to fix it would be to use
ProcGenerator = new ProcessesGenerator();
But now you have to implement the copy constructor, copy assignment operator, and the destructor. Since you have a modern compiler what you can do instead is make ProcGenerator
a std:unique_ptr<ProcessesGenerator>
and then Scrutinizer()
Scrutinizer::Scrutinizer() : ProcGenerator(make_unique<ProcessesGenerator>()) {}
I would also like to add that &ProcessesGenerator();
should not even compile. Unfortunately MSVS has a non-standard extension that allows this to compile. You can turn on the /Za
compiler option (enforce ANSI compatibility) and then you should get an error like
error C2102: '&' requires l-value