I want to load multiple mo files in gettext at the same time
An example:
$lang = 'en_US';
putenv('LC_ALL=' . $lang);
setlocale(LC_ALL, $lang);
bindtextdomain('module', ROOT . 'Language');
bindtextdomain('default', ROOT . 'Language');
But I can not use two "textdomains" at the same time. This code gives only one language. I want to use multiple "bindtextdomain" and .mo files at the same time.
I have many modules. Each module must be have separate "mo" files. And each module loads at the same files.
How i can use multiple textdomain ?
You have need two function. First function is dynamically change gettext domain. Second function is working like default gettext method. Briefly; You must change gettext domain and select domain in a function.
function selectDomain($trFile)
if ($trFile == 'default') {
bindtextdomain($trFile, ROOT . 'Language');
} else {
bindtextdomain($trFile, MROOT . $trFile . '/Language');
function _e($msgid, $trFile = 'default')
return _($msgid);
echo _e('Test');
echo _e('Test','another_text_domain');