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core.async channels in iOS Swift for decoupling components

How should I decouple components in Swift with channels or the equivalent message bus implementation?

As a Swift beginner coming from Clojure, I'm used to returning a core.async channel when starting a component and then wiring it up at the caller to do control flow.

I see there is something called DispatchQueue in Swift, but this doesn't look like a message bus and seems to have no buffering.

Specifically, I'm controlling audio subsystems on iOS and I need to send lazy signals via a pluggable architecture.


  • I found a simple event bus implementation of DispatchQueue that wraps the notify and async methods with some locking to protect against mutations during forEach on multiple subscribers (see Protected.swift), but I suspect this can be done safely without additional locks:

    //  Channel.swift
    //  Lightning
    //  Created by Göksel Köksal on 5.03.2018.
    //  Copyright © 2018 GK. All rights reserved.
    import Foundation
    /// An event bus object which provides an API to broadcast messages to its subscribers.
    public class Channel<Value> {
        internal class Subscription {
            weak var object: AnyObject?
            private let queue: DispatchQueue?
            private let block: (Value) -> Void
            var isValid: Bool {
                return object != nil
            init(object: AnyObject?, queue: DispatchQueue?, block: @escaping (Value) -> Void) {
                self.object = object
                self.queue = queue
                self.block = block
            func notify(_ value: Value) {
                if let queue = queue {
                    queue.async { [weak self] in
                        guard let strongSelf = self else { return }
                        if strongSelf.isValid {
                } else {
                    if isValid {
        internal var subscriptions: Protected<[Subscription]> = Protected([])
        /// Creates a channel instance.
        public init() { }
        /// Subscribes given object to channel.
        /// - Parameters:
        ///   - object: Object to subscribe.
        ///   - queue: Queue for given block to be called in. If you pass nil, the block is run synchronously on the posting thread.
        ///   - block: Block to call upon broadcast.
        public func subscribe(_ object: AnyObject?, queue: DispatchQueue? = nil, block: @escaping (Value) -> Void) {
            let subscription = Subscription(object: object, queue: queue, block: block)
            subscriptions.write { list in
        /// Unsubscribes given object from channel.
        /// - Parameter object: Object to remove.
        public func unsubscribe(_ object: AnyObject?) {
            subscriptions.write { list in
                if let foundIndex = list.index(where: { $0.object === object }) {
                    list.remove(at: foundIndex)
        /// Broadcasts given value to subscribers.
        /// - Parameters:
        ///   - value: Value to broadcast.
        ///   - completion: Completion handler called after notifing all subscribers.
        public func broadcast(_ value: Value) {
            subscriptions.write(mode: .sync) { list in
                list = list.filter({ $0.isValid })
                list.forEach({ $0.notify(value) })


    enum Message {
      case didUpdateTheme(Theme)
    let settingsChannel = Channel<Message>()
    class SomeView {
      func load() {
        settingsChannel.subscribe(self) { message in
          // React to the message here.
    let view = SomeView()