I cant get the following code to compile with the latest dotty (0.9.0-RC1), and at first glance it looks like it should...
object UnionMapping {
private def parse(string: String): Int | Double = {
def test_number = {
val strings: Seq[String] = Seq("123", "2.0", "42")
// Works
val asdf: Seq[AnyVal] = strings.map(parse(_))
// Fails to compile
val union: Seq[Int | Double] = strings.map(parse(_))
does anyone have any insight into why its failing and whether its expected to work?
Currently, type inference almost never infers union types because it usually isn't the best choice. In your particular example I agree that it'd make more sense if it did, so I've opened https://github.com/lampepfl/dotty/issues/4867 to keep track of that. Meanwhile, you can get it to compile by specifying the type arguments by hand:
val union = strings.map[Int | Double, Seq[Int | Double]](parse(_))
Or by hiding the union behind a type alias:
object UnionMapping {
type Or[A, B] = A | B
private def parse(string: String): Or[Int, Double] = {
def test_number = {
val strings: Seq[String] = Seq("123", "2.0", "42")
val union = strings.map(parse(_))
// infered type for union is Seq[Or[Int, Double]]