I'm new to Python (I used MATLAB before). What I want is showing all defined variables within an interactive console in real time, just like what MATLAB does.
My system: Windows 10 64-bits with python 3.6.6. My IDE is Eclipse photon 4.8.0 with Pydev 6.4.3
For example, variable aaa is defined in the PyDev console [33], but the variable panel shows nothing. (please see the figure)
But when I run the debugger and it holds at a breakpoint, variables are shown. So my question is: is there a way to show all variables defined in this interactive console all the time, not just during debugging? In short, I want an interface closed to MATLAB, so I can track variables constantly. Thanks for any help.
Sorry about that... there was a bug in 6.4.3, which is fixed in 6.4.4 which prevented variables from showing properly, so, please upgrade and it should work.