I am trying to connect Jenkins(version 2.121.2) running on AWS to an on-premise Atlassian Crowd Server (version 3.1.2) using Jenkin's crowd 2 Plugin. The Crowd server requires two-way SSL authentication.
Steps followed:
Import the Certificate chain of the Crowd server in to Java Trust store located at $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security/cacerts, so Jenkins trusts Crowd Server.
Create a keystore(JKS) with the private key and certificate for Client authentication in jenkins.
Modify jenkins startup parameters (/etc/default/jenkins) to use the Trust store and Keystore. I have tried both the variations as below.
Variation 1:
JAVA_ARGS="-Djavax.net.debug=ssl -Djava.awt.headless=true
Variation 2:
# JVM Arguments
JAVA_ARGS="-Djavax.net.debug=ssl -Djava.awt.headless=true
# Jenkins arguments
After filling up the details in the plugin configuration section in jenkins and trying to establish a connection, I receive a hand_shake failure
in jenkins log. Information from the log,
The Server Hello passes, and provides a list of CA's that it trusts which shows the Atlassian crowd server. During jenkins startup, I can also see that it adds the certificate as trusted.
But when jenkins is responding to the verification from Crowd, it is not sending the client key/certificate from keystore. An excerpt of the log can be seen below.
CN=cloud.company.com, OU=OUnit, O=Org, L=City, ST=State, C=Country ServerHelloDone Warning: no suitable certificate found - continuing without client authentication Certificate chain <Empty>
I am not sure if this is possible using the Crowd2 Plugin or If I am doing something wrong. I had a look at this issue , but there is no definitive answer if this is possible or not.
Any help/direction is greatly appreciated.
So, The problem was due to Crowd 2 Jenkins Plugin. Version 2 of the plugin was recently released 3 months ago and I was using this. But, after downgrading the plugin to version 1.8, I was able to authenticate with the Crowd Server.