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CDI in JUnit tests with Jersey Test Framework

We are using the Jersey Test Frameworks for API testing. In test-mode, we use an h2 database, mysql in production. Everything is fine to this point.

Now i want to write tests for our repositories to check if the data is written properly to the database.

I can't inject any classes in my tests so i am using the standard constructor the create an new instance of RepositoryA. Works for me.

Now the problem: RepositoryA is now injecting an instance of RepositoryB. And injection isn't working on test-scope.

Is it possible to get injection running in this environment?


  • Depending on the versions of the libraries you are using, running CDI in JUnit Test is different.

    First you need to add this dependency, selecting the right version :

       <artifactId>weld-junit5</artifactId> // or weld-junit4

    Then you can enable Weld in your JUnit test. Here is an example of injecting a repository for an entity class called VideoGame :

    class VideoGameRepositoryTest
        private WeldInitiator weld = WeldInitiator.performDefaultDiscovery();
        private VideoGameRepository repo;
        void test()
            VideoGame videoGame = VideoGameFactory.newInstance();
            // testing if the ID field had been generated by the JPA Provider.
            Assert.assertTrue(videoGame.getVersion() > 0);
 "Video Game : {}", videoGame);

    The important parts are :

    • the @EnableWeld placed on the JUnit test class.
    • the @WeldSetup placed on a WeldInitiator field, to lookup to all annotated classes.
    • don't forget beans.xml in META-INF of your test classpath in order to setup the discovery-mode.
    • @Slf4j is a lombok annotation, you don't need it (unless you are already using Lombok)

    Here the VideoGameRepository instance benefits injection as well, like in a classical CDI project.

    Here is the code of the VideoGameFactory which gets a brand new instance of the entity class marked with @Dependent scope. This factory programmatically invokes the CDI current context.

    public class VideoGameFactory
        public static VideoGame newInstance()
            // ask CDI for the instance, injecting required dependencies.
            return CDI.current().select(VideoGame.class).get();

    Alternately, you can have a look to Arquillian which can come with a full Java EE server in order to have all the needed dependencies.