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Browser rendering right margin iPhone/iPad/webkit

I have a html snippet below which renders perfectly in all browsers. However in webkit on an iphone and ipad, when I pinch the page (so that its smaller), I see a black border which is the background color of the body shining through only on the right edge. This only happens when I specifiy the width of the .headerpic div. Since this is the only place in the document I specify the width, I was wondering why it stops short of rendering all the way to the right edge (since this is theoretically the widest part of the document?).

I've attached a photo of what it looks like from my ipad.

<!doctype html>


      body {background-color:#000;color:#231f20;margin:0;}
      #wrapper {background-color:#fff;min-height:1000px;}
      #header .headerpic {height:102px;padding-top:80px;margin:0 auto;width:986px;}
      #footer {color:#fff;}


    <div id="wrapper">
      <div id="header">
        <div class="headerpic">

    <div id="footer">


Photo Of problem


  • It will illustrate your problem a little bit clear:

    What I did:

    1. I Increased the width of the #headerpic to 1286px
    2. I added a background color of #headerpic, which is red

    So the your actual problem is: overflow occured

    Why? because you don't set your viewport (width=device-width) and the minimum physical width (in px or cm or em) of body, so your body width by default is 980px, and inherited by #wrapper-- so your 986px #headerpic overflows the #wrapper, and makes your black background appear. Since the overflowed area width is small (986-980=6px), you see a black line.