Below is one of my csv
files created from dataex
for a reproducible example:
input str32 eventname str10 scrapedate float(average thpercentile v5 v6)
"EventName" "2015-12-15" 136.9255 83.2 104.875 148.75
"EventName" "2015-12-16" 130.4555 78.55 99 138.22
"EventName" "2015-12-17" 123.66705 72.7 90.25 131.2
"EventName" "2015-12-18" 116.45757 64.855 78.55 119.5
"EventName" "2015-12-19" 108.63446 60.56333 72.7 119.07333
"EventName" "2015-12-20" 94.97125 55.15 69.77 112.48
Thanks to the answer to my previous question, I was able to adapt my code to loop through the directory "I:\Games CSVs\"
and read in each csv
file using:
insheet using "`file'", comma clear
Then create a new variable to change the data format to how I want it and generate the line graph.
Here is my code:
local foodir "I:\Games CSVs\"
local files : dir "`foodir'" files "*.csv"
cd "`foodir'"
local i = 0
foreach file of local files {
local ++i
insheet using "`file'", comma clear
generate ScrapeDate = daily(scrapedate, "YMD")
format ScrapeDate %tdYY-NN-DD
line average thpercentile v5 v6 ScrapeDate, name("graph`i'", replace) ///
scale(*.7) ///
local filename = substr("`file'", 1, strlen("`file'")-4) ///
title(filename) ///
ytitle("Price in US$") ///
The problematic line is the following:
local filename = substr("`file'", 1, strlen("`file'")-4)`
I also tried:
generate filename = substr("`file'", 1, strlen("`file'")-4)`
I have the following problems:
and I want the suffix to be removed. All the graphs (I have 52 of them) are flashing one after another. It would be ideal for me, if I could save all of them in a folder (I:\Graphs
), with filename
being the same as the filename.csv
instead here being saved as filename.png
or filename.jpeg
or whatever format that I will be able to open.
I have read the documentation. I believe graph save mygraph
replaces the graph if it exists, and since I'm looping through the directory, each time, the graph is going to be replaced since I'm not changing the name of the graph.
You need to correctly define the local macro filename
before you use it. You also need to use the saving()
and nodraw
options in the line
local foodir "I:\Games CSVs\" local foosavedir "I:\Graphs\" local files : dir "`foodir'" files "*.csv" cd "`foodir'" local i = 0 foreach file of local files { local ++i insheet using "`file'", comma clear generate ScrapeDate = daily(scrapedate, "YMD") format ScrapeDate %tdYY-NN-DD local filename = substr("`file'", 1, strrpos("`file'", ".")-1) line average thpercentile v5 v6 ScrapeDate, name("graph`i'", replace) /// saving("`foosavedir'`filename'.gph", replace) nodraw scale(*.7) title("`filename'") /// ytitle("Price in US$") legend(size(small)) }
Note that in this way, the files will be saved in Stata's gph
native format, which is always the best thing to do so you can edit them later if necessary.
If you also want them in a different graphics format such as png
, then you need to export each of them after the line
graph export "`foosavedir'`filename'.png", name("graph`i'")
In this case, you must not have specified the nodraw
option in line
The graphs will be replaced if the option replace
is specified, and the name of the saved/exported file conflicts with an existing file. If the filenames are unique you shouldn't have this problem.