This is my first time cloning a repo for a project that is on the store and using apns (not my app).
In Github I cloned the repo using the clone to Xcode option and it's in my local directory. Naturally they have a team of devs and certificates and company profile already set up.
When I open the Xcode project the signing (Debug) (Release) (Product) Provisioning Profiles in Xcode are red.
I cannot just use my own Apple ID Team profile right? So do I need to ask them for their keys or certs so I can copy them to the local cloned project directory?
The app uses apns. When I test and run the app how do I have authorization to run that app on my device? Do they also need my device ID?
You need to get the certificate along with key exported in .p12 format from the person who has created it or you should log in to their developer account and create a new certificate and using that certificate create new provisioning profile.
To run the app in your device, that device must be added in the device list and should be included in the provisioning profile.
There is automatic signing
in option available using the personal developer account, using that xcode itself create certificate, but since you are using APNS
i don't think that can be used.