I am learning Idris and I have a bit of a noob question.
I am doing exercise 2 of chapter 8.3 of the book on type driven development with Idris. The point is to implement DecEq
for your own Vector
. This is how far I got:
data Vect : Nat -> Type -> Type where
Nil : Vect 0 elem
(::) : elem -> Vect n elem -> Vect (S n) elem
headUnequal : {xs : Vect n a} -> {ys : Vect n a} -> (contra : (x = y) -> Void) -> ((x :: xs) = (y :: ys)) -> Void
headUnequal contra Refl = contra Refl
tailsUnequal : {xs : Vect n a} -> {ys : Vect n a} -> (contra : (xs = ys) -> Void) -> ((x :: xs) = (y :: ys)) -> Void
tailsUnequal contra Refl = contra Refl
headAndTailEq : {xs : Vect n a} -> {ys : Vect n a} -> (xEqY : x = y) -> (xsEqYs : xs = ys) -> ((x :: xs) = (y :: ys))
headAndTailEq xEqY xsEqYs = ?hole
implementation DecEq a => DecEq (Vect n a) where
decEq [] [] = Yes Refl
decEq (x :: xs) (y :: ys) =
case decEq x y of
No xNeqY => No $ headUnequal xNeqY
Yes xEqY => case decEq xs ys of
No xsNeqYs => No $ tailsUnequal xsNeqYs
Yes xsEqYs => Yes $ headAndTailEq xEqY xsEqYs
How do I fill ?hole
I've seen the solution on https://github.com/edwinb/TypeDD-Samples/blob/master/Chapter8/Exercises/ex_8_3.idr
. With that knowledge I can make my solution work:
implementation DecEq a => DecEq (Vect n a) where
decEq [] [] = Yes Refl
decEq (x :: xs) (y :: ys) =
case decEq x y of
No xNeqY => No $ headUnequal xNeqY
Yes Refl => case decEq xs ys of
No xsNeqYs => No $ tailsUnequal xsNeqYs
Yes Refl => Yes Refl
But honestly, why does this work? Why does the final Yes Refl
only work if I don't name the proofs?
Thank you!
The important difference is the value matching in the case
-blocks, not the naming of the proofs. If you inspect the first case
decEq (x :: xs) (y :: ys) =
case decEq x y of
No xNeqY => No $ headUnequal xNeqY
Yes Refl => ?hole
you will see, that the ?hole
only needs Dec (x :: xs = x :: ys)
. In your version on the other hand, ?hole
is Dec (x :: xs = y :: ys)
decEq (x :: xs) (y :: ys) =
case decEq x y of
No xNeqY => No $ headUnequal xNeqY
Yes xEqY => ?hole
Here, xEqY : x = y
. Idris has no special understanding of =
, so this simply means, that there is a value xEqY
that has the type x = y
(and there is no further inspection on what xEqY
could be). If you match on Refl
, Idris can unify x
and y
, because Refl
is a constructor for x = x
- the values are the same. Thus you gain more information with pattern matching; instead of an opaque variable name, you get a concrete value. As a rule of thumb: always pattern match until you have enough information on the right hand side.
With this, your proof can also be implemented easily:
headAndTailEq : {xs : Vect n a} -> {ys : Vect n a} -> (xEqY : x = y) -> (xsEqYs : xs = ys) -> ((x :: xs) = (y :: ys))
headAndTailEq Refl Refl = Refl