In Express Cassandra, i have a method to get data from table using "contain" keyword where data type is SET now i get data from table while use single value in contain, my custom query given below
var query = {
participants: { $contains: uuid},
group: { $eq: 'no' },
single: { $eq: 'yes' }
models.instance.Conversation.find(query,{ raw: true, allow_filtering: true }, function(err, conversation) {
if(err) throw err;
else console.log(conversation);
Now, problem is, i need to check it by multiple value. but i don't know how it place in query. google for it but just waste my time. any one can help me. Thnaks
we can get the raw query interface from cassandra nodejs-driver using the execute_query method.
var query = "SELECT * FROM conversation WHERE participants CONTAINS '1stvalue' AND participants CONTAINS '2ndvalue' ALLOW FILTERING;";
models.instance.Conversation.execute_query(query, {}, function(err, Conversations){
//Conversation is an array of plain objects