Maybe the title isn't to clear so let me explain a little bit.
I am using vue-i18n with Laravel and succesfully generated translation files too.
But in my translation file I used more that one word to translate. a snap of my messages
"Your email"="Your email",
Same with other language like thai language.
Inside of vue template when I use
{{ $t('messages.Email')}}
Translation works but when i use
{{ $t('messages.Your email')}}
It shows messages.Your email
Can anyone help me to use two or more word translation??
N.B: this works in Laravel blade though
{{ trans('messages.Your email') }}
You can access those properties with the usual bracket syntax.
Example in plain JS:
const object = { 'my key': 'ABC' } key //Syntax error
object['my key'] //ABC
In your case with vue-i18n:
{{ $t("messages['Your email']")}}