I'm attempting to use Vapor3 to perform raw SQL queries. The supplied documentation for this kind of thing is pretty vague on the website unfortunately.
Essentially I want to do something like:
router.get("example") { req -> Future<View> in
let leaf = try request.make(LeafRenderer.self)
// I can't get this next bit to work. Does anyone have any ideas how to do this? I seem to get all sorts of Xcode errors with .mysql, closures etc.
let users = try request.withNewConnection(to: .mysql) { connection -> EventLoopFuture<[User]>
return try connection.raw("select * from users").all(decoding: User.self)
var context = [String: String]()
context["user"] = users
return leaf.render("example", context)
Any help on want I'm doing wrong here would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance, Matt
You code was failing because you aren't implementing the closure properly. Your route returns in the let users...
closure so the second return
is never reached.
This works:
insecure.get("example") {
request -> Future<View> in
return request.withNewConnection(to: .mysql) {
connection in
return connection.raw("select * from User").all(decoding: User.self).flatMap(to:View.self) {
users in
return try request.make(LeafRenderer.self).render("example",["users":users])
The changes are:
until you need it.users
is now inside the closure.