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SkuAttributes in Sku Object in broadleaf is not coming in response

In broadleaf, I can see that the sku contains the skuAttributes. But when I try to invoke the product info using the endpoint /catalog/product/{id}.. am do not see the skuAttributes coming in the api response. How can I get those sku attributes values as part of the response?


  • You will need to override the SkuWrapper bean in an @Configuration class. Example:

    public class ApiWrapperOverrides {
        public MySkuWrapper blSkuWrapper() {
            return new MySkuWrapper();
    public class MySkuWrapper extends SkuWrapper {
        @XmlElement(name = "skuAttribute")
        @XmlElementWrapper(name = "skuAttributes")
        protected List<SkuAttributeWrapper> skuAttributes = new ArrayList<>();
        public void wrapDetails(Sku model, HttpServletRequest request) {
            super.wrapDetails(sku, request);
            if (model.getSkuAttributes() != null && !model.getSkuAttributes().isEmpty()) {
                for (Map.Entry<String, SkuAttribute> entry : model.getSkuAttributes().entrySet()) {
                    wrapper.wrapSummary(entry.getValue(), request);