I am trying learn how to create a FMOD event from C# that is visible from the FMOD studio, so that a Audio Engineer I am working with on a hobby project can manage the sound of my entire game without my help. Is there any way to do this from C#? I am currently using the official wrapper for FMOD.
EDIT: This is as far as I have gotten:
FMOD.RESULT result7 = FMOD.Studio.System.create(out FMOD.Studio.System a);
FMOD.RESULT result = a.loadBankFile(FileSystemManager.RootDirectory + "/Content/Banks/Master Bank.bank", FMOD.Studio.LOAD_BANK_FLAGS.NORMAL, out Bank testBank);
FMOD.RESULT result5 = testBank.getEventList(out EventDescription[] someArray);
FMOD.RESULT result4 = someArray[0].createInstance(out EventInstance instance);
FMOD.RESULT result3 = instance.setVolume(1F);
FMOD.RESULT result2 = instance.start();
However, it doesn't play the sound I attached to the event in the Studio. Any ideas?
If you wish to check out my project, you can check it out here,
Calling update() every frame on my instance of FMOD.Studio.System fixed the issue for me.