I want to find the vertical asymptote for:
f=(3x^3 + 17x^2 + 6x + 1)/(2x^3 - x + 3)
So I want to find the roots for (2x^3 - x + 3) so I wrote:
import sympy as sy
x = sy.Symbol('x', real=True)
asym1 = sy.solve(2*x**3-x+3,x)
for i in range(len(asym1)):
asym1[i] = asym1[i].evalf()
The output was:
[0.644811950742531 + 0.864492542166306*I, 0.644811950742531 -
0.864492542166306*I, -1.28962390148506]
So right now the only number that makes sense in the output is -1.289 and the complex numbers don't have any meaning.
My question is: How can I only select the real numbers so the output says:
asym1 = -1.28962390148506
you can do:
asym1 = [n for n in asym1 if n.is_real][0]