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Python HTTPSConnection encryption and Name or service not found error

I’m trying to connect to the OPS API but get an error when trying to connect to the url. I get the access_token just fine as detailed in the documentation (page 34), but when I try to connect to the url I’m interested in, I get a ‘Name or Service not found’ error.

The documentation states (page 35) that the client should access the OPS resource over an encrypted HTTPS connection, which I think might be the missing step in my code creating this error (or not).

Below is the code I use (replacing #### with my access_token):

from http.client import HTTPSConnection
c = HTTPSConnection('', port=443)
headers2 = {'Authorization': ‘Bearer ########kv5’}
c.request('GET', '/', headers=headers2)
res = c.getresponse()
data =

Many thanks.


  • Not sure why this issue was happening earlier, but it seems to be fine now when I run the following code:

    headers = {'Authorization': 'Bearer %s' % token }
    query = requests.get('', headers=headers)

    I get a status response code of 200, and I can parse the content just fine.