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python multiprocessing - OverflowError('cannot serialize a bytes object larger than 4GiB')

We are running a script using the multiprocessing library (python 3.6), where a big pd.DataFrame is passed as an argument to a function :

from multiprocessing import Pool
import time 

def my_function(big_df):
    # do something time consuming

if __name__ == '__main__':
    with Pool(10) as p:
        res = {}
        output = {}
        for id, big_df in some_dict_of_big_dfs:
            res[id] = p.apply_async(my_function,(big_df ,))
        output = {id : res[id].get() for id in id_list}

The problem is that we are getting an error from the pickle library.

Reason: 'OverflowError('cannot serialize a bytes objects larger than 4GiB',)'

We are aware than pickle v4 can serialize larger objects question related, link, but we don't know how to modify the protocol that multiprocessing is using.

does anybody know what to do? Thanks !!


  • Apparently is there an open issue about this topic , and there is a few related initiatives described on this particular answer. I Found a way to change the default pickle protocol that is used in the multiprocessing library based on this answer. As was pointed out in the comments this solution Only works with Linux and OS multiprocessing lib


    You first create a new separated module

    from multiprocessing.reduction import ForkingPickler, AbstractReducer
    class ForkingPickler4(ForkingPickler):
        def __init__(self, *args):
            if len(args) > 1:
                args[1] = 2
        def dumps(cls, obj, protocol=4):
            return ForkingPickler.dumps(obj, protocol)
    def dump(obj, file, protocol=4):
        ForkingPickler4(file, protocol).dump(obj)
    class Pickle4Reducer(AbstractReducer):
        ForkingPickler = ForkingPickler4
        register = ForkingPickler4.register
        dump = dump

    And then, in your main script you need to add the following:

    import pickle4reducer
    import multiprocessing as mp
    ctx = mp.get_context()
    ctx.reducer = pickle4reducer.Pickle4Reducer()
    with mp.Pool(4) as p:
        # do something

    That will probably solve the problem of the overflow.

    But, warning, you might consider reading this before doing anything or you might reach the same error as me:

    'i' format requires -2147483648 <= number <= 2147483647

    (the reason of this error is well explained in the link above). Long story short, multiprocessing send data through all its process using the pickle protocol, if you are already reaching the 4gb limit, that probably means that you might consider redefining your functions more as "void" methods rather than input/output methods. All this inbound/outbound data increase the RAM usage, is probably inefficient by construction (my case) and it might be better to point all process to the same object rather than create a new copy for each call.

    hope this helps.