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Oracle average difference between two date fields

I have a table in database like this:

unit arrival_date               departure_date
---- -------------              --------------
1    27/1/2017 08:01:20 a. m.   27/1/2017 08:04:27 a. m.
1    27/1/2017 08:05:35 a. m.   27/1/2017 08:09:28 a. m.

I need to calculate the average time difference between arrival_date and departure_date of users and show the result as hour,minute,second format(HH:MI:SS).

If I made this arrival_date - departure_date, I get the result in days, but I am struggling to get the average in hour, minutes and seconds.

The fields are DATE fields not TIMESTAMP fields.


  • Here's an example.

    When subtracting two date datatype values, the result is number of days. It shows the INTER CTE. When you multiply it by 24 (number of hours in a day), 60 (number of minutes in an hour) and 60 (number of seconds in a minute), the result is number of seconds (DIFF_SECS).

    AVERAGES CTE shows how to apply AVG function to previous results; nothing special in that, just pay attention that you have to GROUP it BY the UNIT column.

    Finally, apply TO_CHAR formatting to calculation (some TRUNC and MOD calls in order to extract hours, minutes and seconds from the AVG_DIFF_SECS value).

    I suggest you run each CTE separately, step by step, to easier follow the execution.

    SQL> with test (unit, arr, dep) as
      2    (select 1, to_date('27.01.2017 08:01:20', ' hh24:mi:ss'),
      3               to_date('27.01.2017 08:04:27', ' hh24:Mi:ss')
      4     from dual union all
      5     select 1, to_date('27.01.2017 08:05:35', ' hh24:mi:ss'),
      6               to_date('27.01.2017 08:09:28', ' hh24:Mi:ss')
      7     from dual
      8    ),
      9  inter as
     10    (select unit, (dep - arr) diff_days,
     11       (dep - arr) * 24 * 60 * 60 diff_secs
     12     from test
     13    ),
     14  averages as
     15    (select unit,
     16       avg(dep - arr) avg_diff_days,
     17       avg((dep - arr) * 24 * 60 * 60) avg_diff_secs
     18     from test
     19     group by unit
     20    )
     21  select
     22    to_char(trunc(avg_diff_secs / 3600), 'fm00') || ':' ||           -- hours
     23    to_char(trunc(mod(avg_diff_secs , 3600) / 60), 'fm00') || ':' || -- minutes
     24    to_char(mod(avg_diff_secs, 60), 'fm00')                          -- seconds
     25    avg_diff_formatted
     26  from averages;