I don't understand why this code should pass type-checking:
foo :: (Maybe a, Maybe b)
foo = let x = Nothing in (x,x)
Since each component is bound to the same variable x
, I would expect that the most general type for this expression to be (Maybe a, Maybe a)
. I get the same results if I use a where
instead of a let
. Am I missing something?
Briefly put, the type of x
gets generalized by let
. This is a key step in the Hindley-Milner type inference algorithm.
Concretely, let x = Nothing
initially assigns x
the type Maybe t
, where t
is a fresh type variable. Then, the type gets generalized, universally quantifying all its type variables (technically: except those in use elsewhere, but here we only have t
). This causes x :: forall t. Maybe t
. Note that this is exactly the same type as Nothing :: forall t. Maybe t
Hence, each time we use x
in our code, that refers to a potentially different type Maybe t
, much like Nothing
. Using (x, x)
gets the same type as (Nothing, Nothing)
for this reason.
Instead, lambdas do not feature the same generalization step. By comparison (\x -> (x, x)) Nothing
"only" has type forall t. (Maybe t, Maybe t)
, where both components are forced to be of the same type. Here x
is again assigned type Maybe t
, with t
fresh, but it is not generalized. Then (x, x)
is assigned type (Maybe t, Maybe t)
. Only at the top-level we generalize adding forall t
, but at that point is too late to obtain a heterogeneous pair.