I am implementing the Bottom App Bar (https://material.io/develop/android/components/bottom-app-bar/) and I am facing two challenges.
When using the Navigation
component and navigate to a new fragment, the drawer icon turns int <-
back button but it is black. Any way to change its color?
If I set the behavior to
myAppBar.hideOnScroll = true
then when I am in a Recyclerview and I scroll up, the bar gets hidden which is really nice. However, if I navigate to a new fragment, the bar remains hidden. How can I programatically show the bar again?
LE: 1. was fixed by using android:theme ThemeOverlay.MaterialComponents.Dark.ActionBar
Edit: The BottomAppBar can now be scrolled on or off the screen programatically. See https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/111925683
For now you could just set or animate the translationY property of the BottomAppBar
to be 0. And perform the animations run by the BottomAppBar.Behavior
on the fab: https://github.com/material-components/material-components-android/blob/841ba156fc33e721b991684c8a4bb4afdc56d90c/lib/java/com/google/android/material/bottomappbar/BottomAppBar.java#L754-L782