Howdy I have a form that holds labels and textboxes that will be containing passwords to folders created by the program.Everytime they click on the save new passwordbutton it creates a new textbox and label on the form. I want to save the passwords so that if they make a change to the folder it will ask if they wish to keep the changes and then they have to enter the password for that folder.My question is how to save that password to that folder.they can add or delete the password from the settings if they wish.Here is the code I am using to create the new textboxes.The text in the boxes and labels are only for testing.The form that is called list is where the textboxes will showand that is only showing here for testing purposes
public partial class Passworddata : Form
public List<TextBox> TextBoxes = new List<TextBox>();
public List<Label> labels = new List<Label>();
public Passworddata()
private void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
TextBox tb = new TextBox();
Label labl = new Label();
int i = TextBoxes.Count + 1;
tb.Location = new Point(30,i *30);
labl.Location = new Point(1,i*30);
tb.Width = 30;
tb.Name = "ID" + i;
labl.Text = "hi";
tb.Text = "hello";
If you want to specifically save the controls and data, I would suggest the following:
When the user adds a value, build a string like so:
string currentEntry = tb.Name + "|" + tb.Text.Replace("|","~") + "|" + labl.Text;
Then simply use the File.AppendAllText
method, like so:
File.AppendAllText("SavedData.dat", currentEntry);
event for the Forms.list
event for Forms.list
you would have something like the following code: if(File.Exists("SavedData.dat"))
using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader("SavedData.dat"))
string line = "";
while((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null)
string[] lineData = line.Split('|');
if(lineData.Length == 3)
string currentTbName = lineData[0];
string currentTbText = lineData[1];
string currentLablText = lineData[2];