Search code examples

ng-repeat vertically and horizontally in a table when receiving dynamic data

I am trying to display data in a table.
Rows and columns are dynamic.
I want to use ng-repeat.

I am receiving data in this form:

headers: [
  0: {"heading1"},
  1: {"heading2"},
  2: {"heading3"}
data: [
  0:{ id:1, code:"Barry" , description:"Allen" }
  1:{ id:2, code:"Naruto" , description:"Uzumaki" }
  2:{ id:3, code:"Hannah" , description:"Montana" }        

I tried this way :

    <td ng-repeat="c in headersData">
  <tr ng-repeat="c in columnData">

But it's not rendering the thead.
Any solution?


  • var app = angular.module('testApp',[])
    app.controller('MainController',function($scope) {
       $scope.headersData =  [
     $scope.columnData =  [
      { id:1, code:"Barry" , description:"Allen" },
      { id:2, code:"Naruto" , description:"Uzumaki" },
      { id:3, code:"Hannah" , description:"Montana" }        
    ] ;
    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <html ng-app="testApp">
      <script data-require="angular.js@*" data-semver="4.0.0" 
      <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" />
      <script src="script.js"></script>
    <body ng-controller="MainController">
        <th ng-repeat="th in headersData">{{th}}</th>
      <tr ng-repeat="x in columnData">