FROM some-build:latest as build
COPY / /var/www/html
WORKDIR /var/www/html
RUN cd /var/www/html && composer install
FROM some-build2:latest as run
COPY --from=build /var/www/html /var/www/html
ENV PATH ${HOME}/local/bin:${PATH}:/home/site/wwwroot
RUN cd /var/www/html && \
npm install && \
npm run production
ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/"]
The image run
contains an installed npm
. Despite this fact, the npm install
return the error: /bin/sh: 1: npm: not found
How is this possible? What am I doing wrong?
As answer to @BMitch 's comment, when I run the RUN
image, in the container the node is on the PATH and I can use it. The path is /root/local/bin
. I've attached all the Dockerfiles.
I have 3 docker files:
The one you've already seen before.
FROM php:7.2.5-apache
MAINTAINER Azure App Services Container Images <>
COPY apache2.conf /bin/
COPY /bin/
RUN a2enmod rewrite expires include deflate
# install the PHP extensions we need
RUN apt-get update \
&& apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \
libpng-dev \
libjpeg-dev \
libpq-dev \
libldap2-dev \
libldb-dev \
libicu-dev \
libgmp-dev \
mysql-client \
libmagickwand-dev \
openssh-server vim curl wget tcptraceroute \
&& chmod 755 /bin/ \
&& echo "root:Docker!" | chpasswd \
&& echo "cd /home" >> /etc/bash.bashrc \
&& ln -s /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ /usr/lib/ \
&& ln -s /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ /usr/lib/ \
&& ln -s /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/gmp.h /usr/include/gmp.h \
&& rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* \
&& pecl install imagick-beta \
&& docker-php-ext-configure gd --with-png-dir=/usr --with-jpeg-dir=/usr \
&& docker-php-ext-configure pdo_mysql --with-pdo-mysql=mysqlnd \
&& docker-php-ext-configure mysqli --with-mysqli=mysqlnd \
&& docker-php-ext-install gd \
mysqli \
opcache \
pdo \
pdo_mysql \
pdo_pgsql \
pgsql \
ldap \
intl \
gmp \
zip \
bcmath \
mbstring \
pcntl \
xml \
xmlrpc \
&& docker-php-ext-enable imagick
# Installing node #
RUN apt-get update -yq && apt-get upgrade -yq && \
apt-get install -yq g++ libssl-dev apache2-utils curl git python make nano
# setting up npm for global installation without sudo
RUN MODULES="local" && \
echo prefix = ~/$MODULES >> ~/.npmrc && \
echo "export PATH=\$HOME/$MODULES/bin:\$PATH" >> ~/.bashrc && \
. ~/.bashrc && \
mkdir ~/$MODULES && \
# install Node.js and npm
mkdir ~/node-latest-install && cd $_ && \
curl | tar xz --strip-components=1 && \
./configure --prefix=~/$MODULES && \
make install && \
curl -L | sh
# optional, check locations and packages are correct
# RUN which node; node -v; which npm; npm -v; \
# npm ls -g --depth=0
# Remove unnecessary packages
# RUN apt-get -yq purge g++ libssl-dev curl git python make nano
# RUN apt-get -yq autoremove
rm -f /var/log/apache2/* \
&& rmdir /var/lock/apache2 \
&& rmdir /var/run/apache2 \
&& rmdir /var/log/apache2 \
&& chmod 777 /var/log \
&& chmod 777 /var/run \
&& chmod 777 /var/lock \
&& chmod 777 /bin/ \
&& cp /bin/apache2.conf /etc/apache2/apache2.conf \
&& rm -rf /var/www/html \
&& rm -rf /var/log/apache2 \
&& mkdir -p /home/LogFiles \
&& ln -s /home/LogFiles /var/log/apache2
RUN { \
echo 'opcache.memory_consumption=128'; \
echo 'opcache.interned_strings_buffer=8'; \
echo 'opcache.max_accelerated_files=4000'; \
echo 'opcache.revalidate_freq=60'; \
echo 'opcache.fast_shutdown=1'; \
echo 'opcache.enable_cli=1'; \
} > /usr/local/etc/php/conf.d/opcache-recommended.ini
RUN { \
echo 'error_log=/var/log/apache2/php-error.log'; \
echo 'display_errors=Off'; \
echo 'log_errors=On'; \
echo 'display_startup_errors=Off'; \
echo 'date.timezone=UTC'; \
} > /usr/local/etc/php/conf.d/php.ini
COPY sshd_config /etc/ssh/
EXPOSE 2222 8080
ENV PATH ${PATH}:/home/site/wwwroot
ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/"]
FROM composer:latest as composer
FROM php:7.2.5-apache as apache
COPY --from=composer /usr/bin/composer /usr/bin/composer
RUN apt-get update && \
apt-get install git zip unzip -y
Edit 2:
It is important that if I remove the RUN npm...
commands, then the whole build is a success and the result image contains the npm and I can use it (I've verified by using a container in interactive mode).
Edit 3:
Here's a lot lot simpler solution that can be tried out instantly:
FROM alpine as img1
RUN echo "$HOME" > $HOME/test.txt
FROM alpine as img2
RUN cat $HOME/test.txt
The result is: cat: can't open '/root/test.txt': No such file or directory
Two issues going on here. The "php:7.2.5-apache" image won't have /root/local/bin in the path, and you did not add it to the path during your build. The npm commands will work when you login interactively likely because of some changes to the shell login scripts that setup the environment. You'll need to run these environment setup scripts before running any npm
commands, and that must be done within the same RUN command. To verify for yourself, you can check your .bashrc for variables or commands run to setup the npm environment. And you can verify the environment is different by comparing the PATH value with an env
command in the interactive shell and in your build, you should see two different outputs if this is your issue. When I ran part of your run image, I saw the following in the .bashrc:
export PATH=$HOME/local/bin:$PATH
So you'll want to update the line in your Dockerfile for the run image:
ENV PATH /root/local/bin:${PATH}:/home/site/wwwroot
Per your edit 3, that's an entirely different issue. You created a file in one new image, and then went back to the base image where the file doesn't exist. If you wanted to see the file in a multi-stage build, then you either need to copy it between the stages, or use the previous image as your "from".
FROM alpine as img1
RUN echo "$HOME" > $HOME/test.txt
FROM alpine as img2
COPY --from=img1 /root/test.txt /root/test.txt
RUN cat $HOME/test.txt
FROM alpine as img1
RUN echo "$HOME" > $HOME/test.txt
FROM img1 as img2
RUN cat $HOME/test.txt