Currently I have a piece of program that implements peano arithmetic:
sealed trait NaturalNumber
and a function called getResource
that picks up natural number type-value in its arguments which have the interface:
sealed trait VersionNumber {
type Nat <: NaturalNumber
and checks the values against a reference type-value version numbers: MAJ
and MIN
, provided in this interface:
trait ResourceManifest {
def getResource: Int
type Major <: NaturalNumber
type Minor <: NaturalNumber
depending on which, the function does or does not compile. The function has this form:
def getResource(manifest: ResourceManifest)(maj: VersionNumber, min: VersionNumber)
maj_check: manifest.Major IsEqual maj.Nat,
min_check: manifest.Minor IsLessOrEqual min.Nat
) = manifest.getResource
Here is the full code. (Here is an alternative implementation if you like type-recursion.)
As it is, this is powered by overriding type values which the average Scala user might not be too comfortable with. Also, getResource
gets separate arguments for the major and minor versions.
Ideally I would like to user to provide values instead of types say in a wrapper class:
case class VersionInfo(major: VersionNumber, minor: VersionNumber)
so that my manifest is of this form:
trait ResourceManifestRefactored {
def getResource: Int
val versionInfo: VersionInfo
and similarly have:
def getResourceRefactored(manifest: ResourceManifestRefactored)(versionInfo: VersionInfo)
and do my type level constraints by picking up the version-types from the wrapper version value class: VersionInfo
. However I am struggling to get it to work despite me doing it in many different ways. for instance I tried using doing my type checks directly with path-dependent types but that failed. I also tried defining MAJ
and MIN
based on the types in inside VersionInfo
but the type constraints are no longer working the way they are expected to. I understand we are potentially facing the similar problems that are solved by the likes of aux-pattern but I am struggling to fit a similar solution to my problem.
Essentially, I want to have pre-defined objects wrapping types and I want to do type constraints through these objects instead of the types directly.
Is there a fundumental reason why I can't and if not, how can I do it?
Suppose that __1
and __2
are two objects that extend VersionNumber
, with two different types _1, _2
that extend Nat
inside them. Is there any reason why the compiler would reject to compile
val foo: VersionInfo = VersionInfo( if (math.random < 0.5) __1 else __2, __2)
? In your current code, there is no reason why the compiler would reject this. This means that your VersionInfo
breaks the constant paths between the outer constants __1
, __2
and the inner values major
and minor
, which are stored inside of your VersionInfo
. For example, as soon as you pass __1
as major
to VersionInfo
, the information that __1.Nat
is the same type as foo.major.Nat
is lost forever.
This can be easily solved by simply not throwing this type information away, but instead attaching it as type parameters to VersionInfo
Assuming that your natural numbers looks somewhat like this:
sealed trait NaturalNumber
class _3 extends NaturalNumber
class _2 extends _3
class _1 extends _2
class _0 extends _1
class VersionNumber {
type Nat <: NaturalNumber
val __0 = new VersionNumber { type Nat = _0 }
val __1 = new VersionNumber { type Nat = _1 }
val __2 = new VersionNumber { type Nat = _2 }
val __3 = new VersionNumber { type Nat = _3 }
type IsEqual[A, B] = A =:= B
type IsLessOrEqual[A, B] = A <:< B
you can define VersionInfo
and ResourceManifest
as follows:
case class VersionInfo[Major, Minor](
major: VersionNumber { type Nat = Major },
minor: VersionNumber { type Nat = Minor }
trait ResourceManifest {
def getResource: Int
type Major <: NaturalNumber
type Minor <: NaturalNumber
and then use them as argument types of getResource
def getResource[A, B]
(manifest: ResourceManifest)
(versionInfo: VersionInfo[A, B])
maj_check: manifest.Major IsEqual A,
min_check: manifest.Minor IsLessOrEqual B
: Unit = println("it compiles, ship it")
A little test:
val manifest21 = new ResourceManifest {
def getResource = 21
type Major = _2
type Minor = _1
val manifest22 = new ResourceManifest {
def getResource = 22
type Major = _2
type Minor = _2
getResource(manifest21)(VersionInfo(__2, __1))
getResource(manifest21)(VersionInfo(__2, __2))
// getResource(manifest22)(VersionInfo(__2, __1)) // won't compile, good
getResource(manifest22)(VersionInfo(__2, __2))
In the code above, I've tried to use the same names as in this answer of yours from few months ago.