Search code examples

Based on territory, get the top customers and their total sales in percentage

Using adventureworks database.

I am stuck with top 5 customers based on the territory. How can we get the output for this in the given format?

 SELECT TOP 5 CustomerID
    ,SUM(TotalDue) / (
        SELECT SUM(TotalDue)
        FROM Sales.SalesOrderHeader
        ) * 100 AS [%_of_TotalSale]
FROM Sales.SalesOrderHeader oh
INNER JOIN Sales.SalesTerritory st ON st.TerritoryID = oh.TerritoryID
GROUP BY oh.TerritoryID
ORDER BY [%_of_TotalSale] DESC;

My output

My output

The output should look like this

The output should look like this


  • Your query have some issues. You need to calculated the total per territory - not the whole total.

    Note, the code below can be separated to individual statements. Also, there are other solutions of this task.

    WITH DataSource AS
        SELECT DISTINCT TerritoryID
                        ,SUM(TotalDue) OVER (PARTITION BY TerritoryID,CustomerID) * 100 / SUM(TotalDue) OVER (PARTITION BY TerritoryID) AS [%_of_TotalSale]
        FROM Sales.SalesOrderHeader
    ), DataSourceUsersRanked AS
        SELECT *
              ,ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY TerritoryID ORDER BY [%_of_TotalSale] DESC) AS RN
        FROM DataSource
    ), DataSourceUsersFiletred AS
        SELECT *
        FROM DataSourceUsersRanked
        WHERE RN <= 5
    SELECT DSF.TerritoryID
          ,SUM([%_of_TotalSale]) AS [%_of_TotalSale]
          ,MAX(UserIDs) AS [Top5Customers]
    FROM DataSourceUsersFiletred DSF
    INNER JOIN Sales.SalesTerritory st
        ON DSF.TerritoryID = st.TerritoryID
                SELECT ',' + CAST(CustomerID AS VARCHAR(12))
                FROM DataSourceUsersFiletred DS1
                WHERE DS1.[TerritoryID] = DSF.[TerritoryID]
                ORDER BY CustomerID
                FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE          
            ).value('.', 'VARCHAR(MAX)')
    ) Users(UserIDs)
    GROUP BY DSF.TerritoryID
    ORDER BY TerritoryID;

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