I'm somewhat bogged down by this question. I have a data table of beta distribution parameters, each row in the data table corresponding to a relative probability of that distribution to represent the actual outcome.
I want to compute the cumulative distribution function for a number of sample values. Using sapply, the code looks like this:
beta_dists <- data.table(data.frame(probs = c(0.4,0.3,0.3), a = c(0.0011952,0.001,0.00809), b = c(837,220,624), scale = c(1.5e9,115e6,1.5e6)))
xx <- seq(0,1.5e9,length = 2^12)
system.time(FX <- sapply(xx, function(x) (beta_dists[x < scale,.(FX = sum(probs * (1 - pbeta(x / scale, a, b))))])$FX))
However, that's quite slow and does not seem very elegant... Any thoughts on how to make this better?
Here is a suggestion to use a non-equi join by converting your xx
into a data.table to be used in i
ans <- beta_dists[dtx, on=.(scale > x), allow.cartesian=TRUE,
sum(probs * (1 - pbeta(x / x.scale, a, b))), by=.EACHI]$V1
#last element is NA in ans whereas its NULL in FX
identical(unlist(FX), head(ans$V1, -1))
#[1] TRUE
timing code:
opmtd <- function() {
sapply(xx, function(x) (beta_dists[x < scale,.(FX = sum(probs * (1 - pbeta(x / scale, a, b))))])$FX)
nonequiMtd <- function() {
beta_dists[dtx, on=.(scale > x), allow.cartesian=TRUE, sum(probs * (1 - pbeta(x / x.scale, a, b))), by=.EACHI]
vapplyMtd <- function() {
dt[, res := vapply(x, f, 0)]
microbenchmark(opmtd(), nonequiMtd(), vapplyMtd(), times=3L)
Unit: milliseconds
expr min lq mean median uq max neval
opmtd() 2589.67889 2606.77795 2643.77975 2623.87700 2670.83018 2717.78336 3
nonequiMtd() 19.59376 21.12739 22.28428 22.66102 23.62954 24.59805 3
vapplyMtd() 1928.25841 1939.91866 1960.31181 1951.57891 1976.33852 2001.09812 3
beta_dists <- data.table(probs = c(0.4,0.3,0.3), a = c(0.0011952,0.001,0.00809), b = c(837,220,624), scale = c(1.5e9,115e6,1.5e6))
xx <- seq(0, 1.5e9, length = 2^12)
dtx <- data.table(x=xx)