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Using Nuxt with Axios on Google Firebase hosting

Everything works fine except when deployed to Firebase hosting, the axios baseURL and/or proxy default to local. They seem to ignore the values set in the nuxt.config.js and thus result in 404's.

If I hardcode my URL's all API calls work fine, but I'd like to avoid that.

What should I change in order for my Nuxt SSR API calls to work in production (firebase hosting) with my own defined baseURL and proxy, just as in development?


axios: {
    proxy: true,
    baseURL: '',
    browserBaseURL: '/api'
proxy: {
    '/api': ''


API call in development:

GET 200

API call in production (wrong url):

GET 404


  • It turned out to be to proxy. Turning it off resolved the issue.

    Have since moved over to Heroku as Firebase didn't support latest node / nuxt (edge)