I want to make many calls down a websocket and get a result for each call.
_svc.DoAthing(param) =broker calls=> ws.SendMessage(doathingmessage(ticket))
<=broker returns= ws.Onmessage+=handler=>(doathingresult(ticket))
what is the best way to make a broker such that
Not sure if a having a bunch of threads polling for tickets completed is the best way.
I think this will work well but am still looking for a more elegant solution
private ConcurrentDictionary<Guid, ManualResetEvent> _waitingClients = new ConcurrentDictionary<Guid, ManualResetEvent>();
private ConcurrentDictionary<Guid, byte[]> _hostResponses = new ConcurrentDictionary<Guid, byte[]>();
public TEventResult SendCommand<TEventResult>(ICommand cmd)
var mre = new ManualResetEvent(false);
var s = _serialize(cmd);
if(_waitingClients.TryAdd(cmd.Ticket, mre))
if (!_sendDownPipe(s))
_waitingClients.TryRemove(cmd.Ticket, out mre);
throw new Exception("Could not get Response");
mre.WaitOne();//todo timeout
byte[] resp;
if(_hostResponses.TryRemove(cmd.Ticket, out resp))
var o = _deserialize<TEventResult>(resp);
return o;
throw new Exception("Could not get response!");
private void _eventRecieved(byte[] s)
var evt = _deserialize<IEvent>(s);
if(_hostResponses.TryAdd(evt.Ticket, s))
ManualResetEvent mre;
if(_waitingClients.TryRemove(evt.Ticket, out mre))