I have a custom cli tool that i want to setup with bash_completion but want [tab][tab] to perform an enter action on cmdline.
my bash_completion file for wonder is:
COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "audit nodes tools create debug delete update" -- $cur) )
complete -F _wonder wonder
$ wonder [tab] [tab]
ip-10-99-18-249:loco_dsl jasonparmar$ wonder
audit create debug delete nodes tools update
What I want is when i use the tools option from wonder:
$ wonder tools [tab] [tab]
I want the [tab][tab] to force an enter on the cmdline
How can i edit my bash_completion file for wonder to achieve this.
Is this even possible with bash_completion.
Thanks in advance.
If you don't mind using external tools to simulate keyboard input (such as xdotool
), try adding this as the first line of your completion function:
(( COMP_CWORD > 1 )) && xdotool key Return
As noted by @RandomUser, completion executing a command is unexpected behavior. See, for instance: echo oops; wonder audit <tab><tab>
and imagine rm -rf *
instead of echo
. Consider simply stopping the completion to indicate wonder
accepts only one argument:
(( COMP_CWORD > 1 )) && return