How to execute a VBA macro via a view query in MS Access 2013 from JS ActiveX ADO?
The VBA function is to get the currently logged in user using:
Public Declare Function GetUser Lib "advapi32.dll" Alias "GetUserNameA" (ByVal lpBuffer As String, nSize As Long) As Long
The view query is a select statement that return the VBA function value.
I want to execute that view query from JS ActiveX ADO over LAN (same domain policy). The query throws an error saying that I need at least one table or query. I also noticed that if I read from a view query that does not execute a VBA function, it passes with no problems. Is this a security control by design? Any way to get the user ID in this setup?
Thank you!
You probably can't call the API function directly from a query, but if you put it in an Access module, and create a function that returns a string it should work for you.
You haven't posted any other code or SQL so I'm not sure if you've tried that yet.
Here's what I use in queries with same API sub you're using
Public Function NetworkUserName() As String
Dim strBuffer As String * 255
Dim lngBufferLength As Long
Dim lngRet As Long
Dim strTemp As String
lngBufferLength = 255
lngRet = GetUSer(strBuffer, lngBufferLength)
NetworkUserName = Left$(strBuffer, InStr(strBuffer, Chr$(0)) - 1)
End Function
Then your query would just look like
SELECT NetworkUsername AS CurrentUser
EDIT - Add possible option to use an ActiveX object inside JScript
Instead of using ADODB call you could try pulling environmental variable %USERNAME%
using Wscript.Shell
ActiveX object and the ExpandEnvironmentStrings
But you're probably looking for Network username - maybe this would suffice inside JScript
var winNet = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Network");