Hi is it possible to have a global variable which gets updated based on 'onchange' and assign the same to a selection field?
variable = []
class a:
def function1(self):
global variable
variable = #something based on some other filed
test = fields.Selection(variable)
Will this onchange reflect in selection field. All I get is empty list in selection field.
Using global variables is not recommended. You can use a persistent field on the ir.config_parameter
table if you want to make it always available from anywhere in Odoo. You can see the stored configuration parameters on Settings > Technical > Parameters > System Parameters.
You can set the value of the parameter like this:
self.env['ir.config_parameter'].set_param('use_journal_setting', True)
And get some other value like this:
location = self.env['ir.config_parameter'].get_param(
You can also update the selection field directly with some value, or you can use the parameter to update it.
def onchange_field_name(self):
self.test = self.env['ir.config_parameter'].get_param('parameter_name')
Note: If you need many of these global variables, consider creating your own parameters table.