My project has the following structure:
KnitProject - Project Name
In, I am trying to get the path of read.txt which is inside /src/main/resources folder.
Server server = new Server(8585);
URL url = Encrypter.class.getResource("/data/read.txt");
System.out.println(url.getFile()); //This prints "C:/Users/KnitProject/target/classes/data/read.txt" which is working locally from my system
When I deploy this jar in Tomcat i.e http://<ip>:8080, /src/main/resources path is not accessible.
System.out.println(url.getFile()); //This prints "http://<ip>:8080/test/target/KnitProject.jar!/data/read.txt.
when trying to read file using
FileInputStream fileInputStream = new FileInputStream(new File(url.getFile())) ---> gives me error FileNotFound Exception when deployed in Tomcat
I have created jar of KnitProject application and deployed it in Tomcat. Can anyone help me what I am doing wrong. /src/main/resources/ is accessible from my local machine and same code is giving error FileNotFound Exception.
How can I read the file which is under /src/main/resources/data. I am using Embedded Jetty server in my code and same is compilled and build as one Jar and then deployed in Tomcat. I am running jar using JNLP.
You can use resourceAsStream
method to read the file from jar
InputStream stream = Encrypter.class.getResourceAsStream(filePath)
Now with this stream you can proceed