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How to simulate fixed plane using SimScape Multibody Contact Forces Library?

I am trying to simulate the contact forces between a fixed plane and a sphere in MATLAB Simulink using the Multibody Contact Forces Library as shown in this MATLAB webinar at 9:58. However, when I recreate the model and run the simulation myself, I get the following error.

External Force and Torque External_Force_and_Torque_PlaB has its follower port rigidly connected to the world frame; it has no effect. You can configure this diagnostic in the Simscape Multibody Configuration Parameters dialog.

I've tried adding another constraint/joint between the World Frame and the planar solid to resolve the issue, but I keep getting the same error? How can I fix this error?


  • I ran into the same problem. Have a look here:

    This error is due to a default setting with new Simulink models, which is incompatible with the Contact Forces Library.

    To resolve this:

    1. Go to Simulation > Model Configuration Parameters
    2. In the Simscape Multibody > Diagnostics pane, change the "Rigidly constrained block" diagnostic to "warning" or "none"

    Simscape Multibody > Diagnostics