I´ve got a problem when I try to send the value of a textarea through Ajax in Joomla.
The variable looks correct right before the ajax request. But when returned from helper.php, the success response var ignores all the line breaks.
My jQuery / Ajax:
var curBody = jQuery(this).closest("div").children("div").children('textarea').val();
//var curBody = curBodyVal;//.replace("/\r\n/","<br>");
url: "index.php?option=com_ajax&module=usernotes&method=edit&format=json&Id="+edit_id+"&body="+curBody,
success: function( response ) {
In my helper.php file at the function for the ajax call:
public static function editAjax()
$input = JFactory::getApplication()->input;
//$bodyToUpdate = $input->get("body", 'default_value', 'raw');
$bodyToUpdate = $_GET['body'];
Whenever you are trying to send values, which are not simple strings, send it ina a POST method instead of GET,
GET is used for simple strings, only used for characters within ASCII character range.
POST is used for any other complicated strings, you can send binary data as well, for example you can send files and images using POST method, but you cannot send using GET method
Change your ajax to this:
method: "POST",
url: "index.php",
data: { option: "com_ajax", module: "usernotes" , method: "edit", format: "json" , Id: edit_id, body: curBody },
success: function( response ) {