In a makefile I'm trying to
I've created this simplified makefile to demonstrate my problem. Neither make a
or make b
executes the body of the if, I don't understand why not.
.PHONY: a b
$(eval MY_VAR = $(shell echo whatever))
@echo MY_VAR is $(MY_VAR)
$(info $(MY_VAR))
ifneq ($(strip $(MY_VAR)),)
@echo "should be executed"
@echo done
$(eval MY_VAR = $(shell echo ''))
@echo MY_VAR is $(MY_VAR)
$(info $(MY_VAR))
ifneq ($(strip $(MY_VAR)),)
@echo "should not be executed"
@echo done
I'm using
$ make --version
GNU Make 3.81
Edit: as pointed out, the vars don't need to be make vars
Note that, due to the time of evaluation, make conditionals (ifeq
, ifneq
...) cannot be used in recipes the way you tried. Use shell conditionals, instead, as shown below.
As your MY_VAR
variable is used only in recipes, is target-dependent and you want it to be computed only when needed, why don't you use shell variables, instead of make variables?
$ cat Makefile
.PHONY: a b
MY_VAR=$$(echo 'whatever') && \
echo "$@: MY_VAR is $$MY_VAR" && \
if [ -n "$$MY_VAR" ]; then \
echo '$@: should be executed'; \
fi && \
echo '$@: done'
MY_VAR=$$(echo '') && \
echo "$@: MY_VAR is $$MY_VAR" && \
if [ -n "$$MY_VAR" ]; then \
echo '$@: should not be executed'; \
fi && \
echo '$@: done'
$ make a
a: MY_VAR is whatever
a: should be executed
a: done
$ make b
b: MY_VAR is
b: done
In case you absolutely need MY_VAR
to be a target-specific make variable, but want to execute only once (per target) the shell command that produces its value, MadScientist has a wonderful trick that you should probably look at. Applied to your case, it should look like:
$ make --version
GNU Make 4.1
$ cat Makefile
a: MY_VAR = $(eval a: MY_VAR := $$(shell echo 'whatever'))$(MY_VAR)
b: MY_VAR = $(eval b: MY_VAR := $$(shell echo ''))$(MY_VAR)
@echo '$@: MY_VAR is $(MY_VAR)' && \
if [ -n "$(MY_VAR)" ]; then \
echo '$@: should be executed'; \
fi && \
echo '$@: done'
@echo '$@: MY_VAR is $(MY_VAR)' && \
if [ -n "$(MY_VAR)" ]; then \
echo '$@: should not be executed'; \
fi && \
echo '$@: done'
$ make a
a: MY_VAR is whatever
a: should be executed
a: done
$ make b
b: MY_VAR is
b: done
$ make b a
b: MY_VAR is
b: done
a: MY_VAR is whatever
a: should be executed
a: done
It may look extremely strange but it guarantees that MY_VAR
is computed if and only if targets a
or b
are invoked, and only at most once for each. Have a look at MadScientist's post for detailed explanations. Go, it's brilliant.