Search code examples

JPQL: OR won't work as expected

I have the following method defined in a Repository:

@Query("SELECT t FROM Treatment t WHERE " +
        " (  " +
        " order by desc")
Page<Treatment> findByPromotionId(@Param("promotionId")Integer id, Pageable pr);

And it worked as expected: I got a list of Treatments that have a PromotionCode that belongs to a given Promotion.

But then I needed to add a second promotion code, so a Treatment can be linked to up to two Promotions (both promotion codes may belong to the same promotion, that is not an issue). So I tried to add the new requirement to the query:

@Query("SELECT t FROM Treatment t WHERE " +
            " (  " +
            " OR " +
            " (  " +
            " order by desc")
Page<Treatment> findByPromotionId(@Param("promotionId")Integer id, Pageable pr);

But I won't work. The generated SQL is

select ...
from treatment treatment0_ 
  cross join promotion_code promotionc1_ 
  cross join promotion_code promotionc2_ 
where and and 
  (promotionc1_.promo_id=? or promotionc2_.promo_id=?)
order by desc limit ?

As you can notice, as soon as one of the promotion codes is null, the condition is not fulfilled.

Some details, even if they are obvious from the code:

  • Besides treatment there is a table named promotion_code and another one named promotion.
  • All tables have a numeric ID (autoincremented).
  • promotion_code_id and promotion_code2_id are FKs pointig at promotion_code, which also has a FK to promotion and it cannot be null (all promotion codes belong to a promotion).

I want to find all treatments that are linked to a promotion by any of the promotion code columns. Both fields may be null.

How can I solve this?


  • I tried to mimic the UNION, and it worked:

    SELECT t
    FROM Treatment t 
    WHERE t IN (SELECT t FROM Treatment t 
          WHERE = :promotionId)
      OR t IN (SELECT t FROM Treatment t
          WHERE = :promotionId)
    ORDER BY desc

    Before that I tried the LEFT JOIN FETCH option with

    SELECT t 
    FROM Treatment t 
    LEFT JOIN t.promotionCode.promotion as pc
    LEFT JOIN t.promotionCode2.promotion as pc2
    OR (  
    order by desc

    and with

    SELECT t 
    FROM Treatment t 
    LEFT JOIN t.promotionCode as pc
    LEFT JOIN t.promotionCode2 as pc2
    OR (  
    order by desc

    but they did not work (I got long stack trace saying the query was not correct while starting the application),