How to calculate read response time for a single block and for multiple blocks for oracle database 12c? Is there a metric view present where we can see information pertaining to blocks? like v$stat and v$sysmetric? I looked around on different websites including oracle's but could not find much info except 'Average Synchronous Single-Block Read Latency' present in v$sysmetric view of my database. Are Average Synchronous Single-Block Read Latency and single block read response time same?
you can use V$filestat , this view table containes the number of physical reads and writes happend on logical and block row also you can check
select file#, phyrds,
from v$filestat
you can do a select on v$datafile to get the name of the data file
select * from v$datafile where file#=(file number get it from filestat)
from the doc
This view displays the number of physical reads and writes done and the total number of single-block and multiblock I/Os done at file level. As of Oracle Database 10g Release 2 (10.2), this view also includes reads done by RMAN processes for backup operations.