I am trying to extract some basic details from the RETS server using PHRETS but been getting this error
[*Uncaught Error: Call to undefined method PHRETS\Session::SearchQuery() in D:\Software\XAMPP\htdocs\PHRETS-master\RetsExtract.php:21 Stack trace: #0 {main} thrown in D:\Software\XAMPP\htdocs\PHRETS-master\RetsExtract.php on line 21*]
and can't seem to understand what is causing this.
So based on retsmd.com, I have Property as the resource, Listing as the class and based on these two I think I can extract the data using the SearchQuery() method.
I am relatively new to PHP and the RETS environment but here is the part of the code:
$config = new \PHRETS\Configuration;
// optional. value shown below are the defaults used when not overridden
$config->setRetsVersion('1.8'); // see constants from \PHRETS\Versions\RETSVersion
$config->setUserAgentPassword('pwdHere'); // string password, if given
$config->setHttpAuthenticationMethod('digest'); // or 'basic' if required
$config->setOption('use_post_method', false); // boolean
$config->setOption('disable_follow_location', false); // boolean
$rets = new \PHRETS\Session($config);
$bulletin = $rets->Login();
$search = $rets->SearchQuery("Property", "Listing", "(ListDate=1990-01-01+)");
I am using this part of the from the GitHub repo of the PHRETS. Any idea what could be the issue here?
This depends on the PHRETS version you are using.
Seems like you are using PHRETS library version 2.* and you referred the documentation of version 1.*
Both will work fine.